in fact while he was leaving the scene, the police report said that talan renner said i mightey haved that kid because i hit him hard. that is part ohef the case, thee were hundreds of social media post, there are videos, text, where these people literally wrap themselves out and then the accusations talan renner's parents tried to cover up the crime by hiding him until his bruises went away. but preston lord, the 16- 16-year-old who was killed fromf apparently not the first victim police say these gilbert goons come as they call themselves the maturity of their kids at fast food restaurants, parkinge. lots, parties, leaving with school fractures and broken bones. it is an awful crime and to think there is a trunk load of evidence in this case that is a really b bad news for a lot offh these kids all being charged as adults. >> laura: yeah, well, there vio and snapchatde texts and you tell kids come everything you put online isrigh forever. auand lora and behold, the polie got thesloe texts and there wasa lot of admissions come a lot of admissions. t totrey, thank you so much, grt to