the video footage of talaub showed a series of rockets. it is fired from gaza. this video footage clearly shows how iron dome intercepted these rockets. now we go to the live images of al jazeera network at 18.59 minutes and 35 seconds. we see that only one rocket is fired from gaza. this is the rocket in question. the rocket can also be seen in video footage captured by israel. 15 seconds later, the live images of al jazeera network show that exactly the same rocket the watch. it is accompanied by the same intense light seen in previous rocket interceptions. a close-up of this video footage , captured by al jazeera live, shows the rocket completely destroyed and disintegrating in the sky. based on all the video images and documents, this rocket was intercepted and it was the last rocket fired from gaza , which was fired before al-mu'amedani hospital was targeted. five seconds after the interception of this rocket, an explosion can be seen in gaza. two seconds later, another explosion occurs, which is much bigger. this is the attack in which al-moammadani hospit