dahlia, richard, and imam talib sharif, the congregation here in washington d.c. welcome to you all, dallia you've been surveying muslim public opinion in the united states and abroad for a long time. and you must go into the exercise, assuming that you're going to get some answers, and being what, surprised or confirmed. what surprised you about your results. >> my biggest surprise is how often muslims, i expected them to be very pessimistic. and i thought that they were going to say that the direction of the country was heading in the wrong direction, but i found the exact opposite. they have appreciated his rhetoric. >> speaking of political orientation, you asked the survey respondents which party they sorted. 44%, supporting the democrats, and 6% republicans. if we had done this poll before 9/11, would the results have been different? >> i think we would have. i think that far more muslims would have identified with the republican party. we know there was an endorsement of bush in 2000 by many muslims, and not all. this was the party that many muslims felt is