here is a campai to unrmine the taliban insurgen. that may be as critical as stages two and three o operation panther's claw. >> canada says a ban by the european union onhe import of seal products an unfair restriction of ade, and i plans to appeal to t world trade ganization. theyay in a sustainable, humane. tre wer presentations from animal rights grps. present goriaarroyo says she will not extend her term. protesters id they feared the leer may try to hang on pow by revising the constitution. there is a lot of excitement about the olympic games in 12, nd the countdown is well underway. day marks ectly three years until the games begin, and preparations, we are told, a on schedule. our sports reporter spenthe y in east london >> on july 27 2012, this area will be a hive ofactivity as 80,000 people head to the opening ceremony. three years ago and stl plenty of worto be done. >> the go news is that this is not your dver speaking. >> he has ledhe way for several years, and today, he was at the front again. this high spd rail park is