process right up to the withdrawal of the soviet union, and, then, the civil war after that, the taliban mujahedeen in that area, al qaeda taking it over and turning it from a domestic to a regional and an international situation and it is relevant because that is what led up to 9/11, and the post-9/11 action, which, again, over the period of time has gone through various phases and has had different types of impact on the situation, leaving us with -- where we are today. then there were other events like the revolution in iran and i mention that only because the situation is still playing out in iran. there is the nuclear fear, also, there. but i mentioned the revolution in the context of its sort of -- the religious surge that it started, in the area, and which continued for a long time, and which at one period, in our history, was given a push through a process of islamization that pakistan was put through. i mention it only in that context. now, all of these events led to policies which, basically, either sought to secure pakistan, against a perceived threat, or led to policies which were reall