thing we know someone haddactually gone into her locker and urinated in her the time we would try to talkkpincipal and we would ggt whaa can i help you wiih this time... he suulivann have tens of thousands of ollars in edical biill for ongoing 3 inpatient care... prompting a laasuit againsttthe school disttict and the two principals. & we asked the schhol about it... they told uu ttey couldn't comment on pending or active litigation.again, triaa - begins this morning at 9:30. live in nnrth east baltimore, meganngillilaad, fox45 morning news. 3lawmakers aae working to avoid -3 a pooential government shutdown. s ainsley earhardt xplains... mooey to fund the governmeet rrnn ut friday at midnight. pidnight. 3 rep..norm dicks / (d--a) &p"we've orked hard, we're close to agreement on eveey single issue, and i just hope we can work thhs out, and get our bills passed" whill they have differeen views... both democrats and republicans are workinggto avoid a partial & government shutdown. a temporary billlkeeping agencies open expires on saturdayrep. eric cantor / (r-va) majorityyleader" w