Jun 30, 2023
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hoy es un día importante en tallahassee, la caravana todos somos floridas llegó a su destino capitalprimera parada fue en una gasolinera y entrada de tallahassee donde manifestantes como de carolina del norte y de ya le dieron a las personas que viajaron de costa a costa para unir sus fuerzas, según organizadores el propósito es claro, decirle a la comunidad inmigrante que reside y trabaja aquí que no están solos también para mostrar su apoyo a las acciones legales que se planea tomar para frenar la ley, dicen que no van a parar hasta prevenir que el miedo entre la comunidad inmigrante se propague, conversamos con manifestantes que dijeron presente en esta protesta si esto fuera sus reacciones >>> hoy es un día histórico muy especial porque nuestra gente de otros estados sacrificándose para estar aquí con nosotros. los necesitamos como hermanos, como familia unidos. >>> uno sale solo a trabajar pero no hablamos así el daña a nadie. >>> la protesta no termina aquí, organizadores hacer un llamado a la comunidad para dejar de hacer turismo en el estado desde hoy hasta el 4 de julio, el
hoy es un día importante en tallahassee, la caravana todos somos floridas llegó a su destino capitalprimera parada fue en una gasolinera y entrada de tallahassee donde manifestantes como de carolina del norte y de ya le dieron a las personas que viajaron de costa a costa para unir sus fuerzas, según organizadores el propósito es claro, decirle a la comunidad inmigrante que reside y trabaja aquí que no están solos también para mostrar su apoyo a las acciones legales que se planea tomar...
Jun 29, 2023
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reporter levy dean is in tallahassee to explain. >> it first sparked a national controversy in 2022. >> now florida's doubling down on his parental rights education lot dubbed don't say bites originally, the ban instruction of orientation and gender identity only went up to 3rd grade when the law takes effect saturday. it will cover pre-k through 8th grade. >> republican leaders say it's about protecting children care what your orientation is that kids be kids. that's all we're saying is like letting the kids were protecting kids. >> and we're going to protect kids when it's popular, we'll protect kids. even when when you take some incoming as a result of may be offending some ideologies are some agendas out there. but that's fine. this expansion is causing uproar in the lgbtq+ community. >> and not because the groups like the quality florida college, one of the big challenges we have with the expansion of the don'ts lgbtq bill is it hasn't remedied. >> the problems and the failings of the first bill that was passed a year before. there are a few differences. this bill includes restr
reporter levy dean is in tallahassee to explain. >> it first sparked a national controversy in 2022. >> now florida's doubling down on his parental rights education lot dubbed don't say bites originally, the ban instruction of orientation and gender identity only went up to 3rd grade when the law takes effect saturday. it will cover pre-k through 8th grade. >> republican leaders say it's about protecting children care what your orientation is that kids be kids. that's all...
Jun 8, 2023
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and using money to put into a federal committee and pressuring lawmakers and lobbyists in tallahasseeng lobbyists to donate to his presidential campaign. he found a swamp in tallahassee, retro fitted it a little bit and then he made some trees so that the sunshine didn't get into that swamp. when i say that, he's changed the transparency laws as well so we can't track his use of state resources. >> strong and important new reporting from nbc's jonathan allen. thank you for being with us today. >>> up next on way too early, house republicans drop a plan to hold the fbi director in contempt of congress. >>> coming up on "morning joe," new developments, many of them in the classified documents probe as donald trump is officially informed that he is a target of that investigation. >>> and also ahead we'll hear from two members of congress from different sides of the aisle working together in a push for new sanctions against u.s. adversaries. "morning joe" is just a few moments away. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein.
and using money to put into a federal committee and pressuring lawmakers and lobbyists in tallahasseeng lobbyists to donate to his presidential campaign. he found a swamp in tallahassee, retro fitted it a little bit and then he made some trees so that the sunshine didn't get into that swamp. when i say that, he's changed the transparency laws as well so we can't track his use of state resources. >> strong and important new reporting from nbc's jonathan allen. thank you for being with us...
Jun 27, 2023
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reportero: su objetivo es llegar a tallahassee el Último dÍa de este mes, para protestar el 1 de julioefecto de la ley 1718. jorge: una encuesta sugiere que el apoyo de votantes republicanos a donald trump aumentÓ luego de que le pusieron cargos criminales por retener documentos clasificados. 5% mÁs que en abril. ron desantis bajÓ en la intenciÓn de votos. maity: mÁs de 1500 migrantes venezolanos llegaron a tamaulipas para intentar cruzar a estados unidos. los migrantes dicen que escucharon rumores de cruces fronterizos y ahora estÁn instalados en la plaza de esa ciudad en un campamento. jorge: en veracruz, 130 migrantes guatemaltecos recuperados de un camiÓn, incluyendo dos familias, menores acompaÑados. los agentes detuvieron a dos personas. maity: hablamos de la situaciÓn de rusia tras la rebeliÓn de grupo wagner. jorge: prigozhin dijo que no quiso dar un golpe de estado si no protestar contra los mandos militares. maity: vamos con lo Último sobre este motÍn. reportero: el presidente vladÍmir putin dijo que los del grupo wagner traicionaron a la patria, pero les ofreciÓ la oportunid
reportero: su objetivo es llegar a tallahassee el Último dÍa de este mes, para protestar el 1 de julioefecto de la ley 1718. jorge: una encuesta sugiere que el apoyo de votantes republicanos a donald trump aumentÓ luego de que le pusieron cargos criminales por retener documentos clasificados. 5% mÁs que en abril. ron desantis bajÓ en la intenciÓn de votos. maity: mÁs de 1500 migrantes venezolanos llegaron a tamaulipas para intentar cruzar a estados unidos. los migrantes dicen que...
Jun 24, 2023
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el propÓsito es llegar hasta la capital de florida, la ciudad de tallahassee, y es precisamente parauchemos a uno de los organizadores de esta caravana. >> el propÓsito de la caravana es darle el total apoyo a los cerca de 1 millÓn de trabajadores inmigrantes indocumentados que se dice que residen, trabajan y pagan impuestos en florida. queremos decirles que no estÁn solos. vamos a seguir impulsando una reforma migratoria que le dÉ legalizaciÓn a este millÓn de trabajadores inmigrantes. reportero: esta caravana apenas empieza. el dÍa de maÑana va a estar en los Ángeles. el domingo habrÁ una misa en la iglesia de la placita olvera. la misa serÁ a las 12 del dÍa. luego partirÁn al estado de arizona, texas, y asÍ hasta llegar a la capital de florida. maity: la idea es llegar antes del primero de julio, que entre en vigor esta ley. los guardacostas de estados unidos y canadÁ intensificaron la bÚsqueda de los restos del sumergible "titan", que sufriÓ una implosiÓn que cobrÓ la vida de sus cinco tripulantes. aunque no ha iniciado la investigaciÓn de quÉ ocurriÓ, se escuchan opiniones de si
el propÓsito es llegar hasta la capital de florida, la ciudad de tallahassee, y es precisamente parauchemos a uno de los organizadores de esta caravana. >> el propÓsito de la caravana es darle el total apoyo a los cerca de 1 millÓn de trabajadores inmigrantes indocumentados que se dice que residen, trabajan y pagan impuestos en florida. queremos decirles que no estÁn solos. vamos a seguir impulsando una reforma migratoria que le dÉ legalizaciÓn a este millÓn de trabajadores...
Jun 27, 2023
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los participante de esta caravana atravesarÁn el paÍs de oeste a este, llegarÁn a tallahassee el prÓximor no fue un accidente, sino un feminicidio. los pases que la vÍctima llevaban tiempo sostiene nuestra teorÍa.gaby nos habla del resultado del peritaje que tambiÉn arrojÓ que la joven estuvo varios dÍas con vida despuÉs que desapareciÓ. >> ella habrÍa estado con vida de tres a cinco dÍas antes de ser encontrada en un hotel. asÍ lo ratificÓ su perito que participÓ en el tercer peritaje y en la segunda necropsia. en esta ratificaciÓn tambiÉn se asegura que si se tratÓ de un feminicidio. >> uno viene, hace lo que tiene que hacer, saca su informe y eso lo voy a usar la fiscalÍa o le va desechar. >> dijo que fue contratado por naciones unidas y luego por la propia fiscalÍa general de la repÚblica por su amplia experiencia en estos casos. >> es de suma importancia porque fue uno de los peritos que estuvo en la exhumaciÓn viendo el cuerpo de nuestra hija. >> son varias las instancias que identifican el caso de melanie no se tratÓ de un accidente que estuvo viva. >> fue no por una contusiÓn, si
los participante de esta caravana atravesarÁn el paÍs de oeste a este, llegarÁn a tallahassee el prÓximor no fue un accidente, sino un feminicidio. los pases que la vÍctima llevaban tiempo sostiene nuestra teorÍa.gaby nos habla del resultado del peritaje que tambiÉn arrojÓ que la joven estuvo varios dÍas con vida despuÉs que desapareciÓ. >> ella habrÍa estado con vida de tres a cinco dÍas antes de ser encontrada en un hotel. asÍ lo ratificÓ su perito que participÓ en el...
Jun 30, 2023
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. >> este jueves traspasaba por houston rumbo a tallahassee la caravana de californianos auto convocadosspaldo de la iglesia. >> la corte suprema lo dijo muy claro son ocho votos a favor y uno en contra y el presidente de los estados unidos solamente puede hacer esta ley. >> pero la ley antiinmigrante de la florida será un camino largo y tedioso dice este abogado. >> obviamente pueden ser meses o años para que se decidan ese tipo de cosas: >> ahora expertos recomiendan a los indocumentados cuidado y prudencia algo que entrará en vigor el próximo sábado, arnulfo peralta, telemundo. >> los restos mortales de la periodista y presentadora mexicana fernández fueron velados en su casa en méxico su hijo ofreció declaraciones a la prensa. >> está rodeado a de los que lo aman y se fue con una sonrisa y recordando a toda la gente que le ha dado cosas buenas y que así la recuerden porque daba cosas buenas para todos. >> la familia dijo que el cuerpo de la comentador será incinerado y por ahora sus cenizas estarán en la casa donde vivió hasta su muerte. >> aún no hay pistas de los 16 trabajadores de
. >> este jueves traspasaba por houston rumbo a tallahassee la caravana de californianos auto convocadosspaldo de la iglesia. >> la corte suprema lo dijo muy claro son ocho votos a favor y uno en contra y el presidente de los estados unidos solamente puede hacer esta ley. >> pero la ley antiinmigrante de la florida será un camino largo y tedioso dice este abogado. >> obviamente pueden ser meses o años para que se decidan ese tipo de cosas: >> ahora expertos...
Jun 30, 2023
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lourdes: la caravana recorriÓ el paÍs de oeste a este, o llegÓ a tallahassee, la capital de la floridatra de la inmigraciÓn ilegal en los Últimos aÑos. >> afecta a tantas familias, muchas se han ido, es injusto. lourdes: se trata de un grito de solidaridad en la que varias organizaciones pro inmigrantes se unen en una sola voz. [ininteligible] lourdes: la ley tambiÉn pactarÁ algunos hospitales, especÍficamente los que reciben ayuda federal como medicaid, a partir de maÑana tendrÁ que recopilar informaciÓn sobre el estatus migratorio de los pacientes, esto ha generado preocupaciÓn entre algunos indocumentados que no tiene los detalles de esta nueva organizaciÓn, por eso las organizaciones comunitarias estÁn aclarando dudas. >> aunque usted no tenga un estatus, todavÍa puede ir al hospital, el hospital no le puede negar servicio, y si le preguntan por su estatus, usted puede decir que no puede compartir su informaciÓn. lourdes: a nadie se le negarÁ atenciÓn mÉdica, la ley prohÍbe eel uso de licencia de conducir emitidas en otros estados. con mÁs de 700,000 personas sin estatus legal en e
lourdes: la caravana recorriÓ el paÍs de oeste a este, o llegÓ a tallahassee, la capital de la floridatra de la inmigraciÓn ilegal en los Últimos aÑos. >> afecta a tantas familias, muchas se han ido, es injusto. lourdes: se trata de un grito de solidaridad en la que varias organizaciones pro inmigrantes se unen en una sola voz. [ininteligible] lourdes: la ley tambiÉn pactarÁ algunos hospitales, especÍficamente los que reciben ayuda federal como medicaid, a partir de maÑana...
Jun 9, 2023
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they underestimated being in andrew gillum's home in tallahassee.nfirmed eileen cannon will oversee the case. she made that series of very highly criticized decisions related to the fbi search of mar-a-lago last year including her appointment of this was ultimately overturned by an appeals court, all of whom were appointed by conservative republicans. my understanding is that there were 26 judges and they had said it was going to be random who got assigned. so out of one of 26, what are the odds that judge cannon gets this case? >> right. i think this was another error by the government. on the indictment itself if you look at the very last page, they have to check off where they want the indictment, what division it is. they checked off we're palm beach here. they don't have an option of all 26 judges. they only had an option of the three judges in west palm beach. there are only three. cannon being one of them. so, yes, trump won the legal lottery by getting aileen cannon. but the government decided that they wanted to narrow the scope of how many
they underestimated being in andrew gillum's home in tallahassee.nfirmed eileen cannon will oversee the case. she made that series of very highly criticized decisions related to the fbi search of mar-a-lago last year including her appointment of this was ultimately overturned by an appeals court, all of whom were appointed by conservative republicans. my understanding is that there were 26 judges and they had said it was going to be random who got assigned. so out of one of 26, what are the...
Jun 26, 2023
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en total, llegarÁn a una decena de importantes ciudades antes de llegar a la capital de florida, tallahasseeando, aunque estÁ muy lejos de aquÍ, pero ya nos estÁ afectando nosotros, los angelinos esta caravana llegarÍa florida el 30 de junio, el viernes, un dÍa antes de que entre en vigor esta polÉmica legislaciÓn, que entre otras cosas obligarÍa a verificar la comisiÓn migratoria de los trabajadores, preguntar su estatus en hospitales, y multar a quienes transporten a personas indocumentadas. tenemos buenas noticias para los que estÁn esperando la pastilla para perder peso en inyecciones, no te pierdas el siguiente reporte, porque ya te avanzo muy pronto verÁs esa pastilla para consumo oral y no como inyecciones. carolina: tambiÉn estÁ en la "ediciÓn digital" una madre hispana mexicana que ha diseÑado unas fajas para la recuperaciÓn despuÉs del parto, ¡guau! [click de cÁmara] [mensaje enviado] ♪ [mensaje recibido] ¡guuuuau! ♪ [mensaje recibido] ¡what?! ¡uuh! [mensaje recibido] [mensaje recibido] ♪ [mensaje recibido] [reír] ♪ el totalmente nuevo prius. toyota. vayamos juntos. (perro ladrando
en total, llegarÁn a una decena de importantes ciudades antes de llegar a la capital de florida, tallahasseeando, aunque estÁ muy lejos de aquÍ, pero ya nos estÁ afectando nosotros, los angelinos esta caravana llegarÍa florida el 30 de junio, el viernes, un dÍa antes de que entre en vigor esta polÉmica legislaciÓn, que entre otras cosas obligarÍa a verificar la comisiÓn migratoria de los trabajadores, preguntar su estatus en hospitales, y multar a quienes transporten a personas...
Jun 19, 2023
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a few stronger thunderstorms impacting the tallahassee region.s coming into the cnn weather late center, severe thunderstorm warning for tallahassee so prepare for the potential for 60 mile per hour winds and greater as the storm system continues. rahel? >> let's talk about some of the triple digit heat expected in parts of texas and how complicating or the stress that that then puts on the power grid. >> yeah, that is really going to put it to the test today. and that is because the triple digit heat that continued through this weekend will last right through the workweek this week. so monday to friday we are anticipating over 60 record highs in the state of texas alone. now, you factor in the humidity, that's when it gets extremely uncomfortable and that's when people are going to start cranking up their air conditioners to maximum. wait until you see these feel like temperatures. in terms of actual temperatures we're 10 to 15 degrees above average. when you factor in the humidity we have the heat indices value, corp. can you say christy 115 de
a few stronger thunderstorms impacting the tallahassee region.s coming into the cnn weather late center, severe thunderstorm warning for tallahassee so prepare for the potential for 60 mile per hour winds and greater as the storm system continues. rahel? >> let's talk about some of the triple digit heat expected in parts of texas and how complicating or the stress that that then puts on the power grid. >> yeah, that is really going to put it to the test today. and that is because...
Jun 14, 2023
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a bumpy overnight in tallahassee. wind, 80 miles per hour.r you, tallahassee, all the way down to jacksonville by tomorrow afternoon. and then by the time we wake up tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow night, we start to see the potential for more tornados in the plains. so, yes, big, big weather tonight, tomorrow and evening into the weekend. six tornados on the ground already. and flash flooding is going to be a possibility. and if that's not enough for you, by the weekend, there will be some smoke in the air for all of the northeast, not as much as last time, but smoke in the air, nonetheless. >> not looking forward to that. to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." "erin burnett outfront" starts right now.
a bumpy overnight in tallahassee. wind, 80 miles per hour.r you, tallahassee, all the way down to jacksonville by tomorrow afternoon. and then by the time we wake up tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow night, we start to see the potential for more tornados in the plains. so, yes, big, big weather tonight, tomorrow and evening into the weekend. six tornados on the ground already. and flash flooding is going to be a possibility. and if that's not enough for you, by the weekend, there will be some...
Jun 30, 2023
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antiinmigrante de la historia de la florida, llega esa caravana de protesta llamada "todos somos florida" a tallahasseeemitan identificaciones a indocumentados, dejan sin vigencs s vigencias emitidas por otros estados de estados unidos. los hospitalesebÁn indagar sobre el estatus migratorio es entren a sus centros.s qu las empresas con mÁs de 25 empleados deben usar el sistema de verificaciÓn. carolina: la concentraciÓn se celebra en florida, y pretende emprender acciones para tratar de derogarla. nos conectamos en este momento vivo con el director de esa caravana, el seÑor luis vega. usted ha estado en esta caravana por tantos dÍas, cuÉntenos, cree usted que realmente tendrÁ un impacto en el corazÓn del gobernador ron desantis, quien ya propuso esta ley y felizmente la firmÓ va a cambiar algo el hecho de que ustedes tomen tanto esfuerzo de venir desde california hasta florida? >> nosotros sabemos que un grupo colectivo de abogados de lulac la van a restar, se estÁn uniendo para hacer una demanda colectiva, y sabemos que podemos ganar. el congreso federal se va a unir para otra demanda federal, tenemos
antiinmigrante de la historia de la florida, llega esa caravana de protesta llamada "todos somos florida" a tallahasseeemitan identificaciones a indocumentados, dejan sin vigencs s vigencias emitidas por otros estados de estados unidos. los hospitalesebÁn indagar sobre el estatus migratorio es entren a sus centros.s qu las empresas con mÁs de 25 empleados deben usar el sistema de verificaciÓn. carolina: la concentraciÓn se celebra en florida, y pretende emprender acciones para...
Jun 23, 2023
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carolina: estarÁn llegando a tallahassee, se espera que el dÍa antes que entre en vigor, los defensoresricultura y en la construcciÓn, y demÁs industrias, muchas familias de inmigrantes han empezado a emigrar a varios estados del paÍs por temor a esta ley, cambian el tema, hoy comienza la apertura del tramo de la interestatal 95 en filadelfia. vean las imÁgenes, un camiÓn cisterna chocÓ hace 2 semanas, provocando un incendio que colapsÓ todo un puente. el departamento de transporte gastÓ aproximadamente 3 millones de dÓlares para resolver esta emergencia temporalmente. borja: se han dado bastante prisa. hay que felicitarles. cambiamos el tema, crece la polÉmica, los denunciantes de rentas internas sostienen que hunter biden deberÍa representar o enfrentar cargos adicionales, creen que podrÍa haber sido acusado de una presentaciÓn de impuestos alta, y de no pagar impuestos durante algunos aÑos, considerado un delito menor. la acusaciÓn sale, segÚn unos documentos que los denunciantes se le habÍan facilitado a los investigadores de la cÁmara, y que fueron publicados por los republicanos.
carolina: estarÁn llegando a tallahassee, se espera que el dÍa antes que entre en vigor, los defensoresricultura y en la construcciÓn, y demÁs industrias, muchas familias de inmigrantes han empezado a emigrar a varios estados del paÍs por temor a esta ley, cambian el tema, hoy comienza la apertura del tramo de la interestatal 95 en filadelfia. vean las imÁgenes, un camiÓn cisterna chocÓ hace 2 semanas, provocando un incendio que colapsÓ todo un puente. el departamento de transporte...
Jun 29, 2023
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temperatures into the 100s it's going to feel like 114 in new orleans. 102 in tallahassee nov another concern, 110 million at risk for poor air quality. we're looking at canadian wildfire smoke in addition to ozone problems, 812 in syracuse lots of triple digits. 1 101 if lubbock we have heat issues and storm issues, and we'll look at the travel for the holiday weekend >> thank you, michelle still to come, the latest on pete davidson after ththe comemn checks i into rerehab. >>> and the scary y situation tt led d madonna toto be rush t ton the hospital to be rush touchdown the hohospital coconquering m messes is t tt easy. clean frfreak's s mist is the timemes more powowerful, and itit works on n cont. clean frfreak, just t freak, wiwipe, done.. my most t importantt kikitchen toolol? my brarain. so i i choose neneuriva plus. ununlike some e others, so i i choose neneuriva plus. neuriva plplus is a mumultitar supportingng 6 key indndicas neuriva plplus is a mumultitar of brarain health.h. to helelp keep me e sharp. of brarain health.h. neuriviva: think b bigger. (sung) febebreze! i use
temperatures into the 100s it's going to feel like 114 in new orleans. 102 in tallahassee nov another concern, 110 million at risk for poor air quality. we're looking at canadian wildfire smoke in addition to ozone problems, 812 in syracuse lots of triple digits. 1 101 if lubbock we have heat issues and storm issues, and we'll look at the travel for the holiday weekend >> thank you, michelle still to come, the latest on pete davidson after ththe comemn checks i into rerehab. >>>...
Jun 14, 2023
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a bumpy overnight in tallahassee. wind, 80 miles per hour. those powerlines are going to be coming down for you, tallahassee, all the way down to jacksonville by tomorrow afternoon. and then by the time we wake up tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow night, we start to see the potential for more tornados in the plains. so, yes, big, big weather tonight, tomorrow and evening into the weekend. six tornados on the ground already. and flash flooding is going to be a possibility. and if that's not enough for you, by the weekend, there will be some smoke in the air for all of the northeast, not as much as last time, but smoke in the air, nonetheless. >> not looking forward to that. to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. >>> "outfront" next, sources close to trump say they're preparing for yet another indictment. this as the attorney general fights back against trump's attacks. >>> plus, exclusive cnn reporting from the front lines. ukraine making significant gai
a bumpy overnight in tallahassee. wind, 80 miles per hour. those powerlines are going to be coming down for you, tallahassee, all the way down to jacksonville by tomorrow afternoon. and then by the time we wake up tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow night, we start to see the potential for more tornados in the plains. so, yes, big, big weather tonight, tomorrow and evening into the weekend. six tornados on the ground already. and flash flooding is going to be a possibility. and if that's not...
Jun 15, 2023
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, damaging winds, tornadoes possible again, that hail risk from little rock to almost tallahassee for 2-inch in diameter hail or more with possible tornadoes and saturday, it continues, strong storms from west texas, all the way up into the central plains slight risk, tornadoes are possible now, the heat from miami, florida. we've got the heat advisories. we've also got heat advisories and heat warnings. heat watches, heat indexes up to 120 degrees from sanderson to new orleans and a little further east these temperatures today, records possible new orleans, houston, dallas, down to brownsville, presidio, texas. and look into the weekend. triple digits for alexandria, houston, san antonio, waco those, guys, are just air temperatures add in the heat index and it's going to be even hotter. >> thank you >> also this morning, fallout and reaction are growing to donald trump's historic arraignment in that classified documents case it's the catalk of the campaign trail. nbc's chief white house correspondent, peter alexander has the latest hi, peter. good morning >> reporter: hoda, good morn
, damaging winds, tornadoes possible again, that hail risk from little rock to almost tallahassee for 2-inch in diameter hail or more with possible tornadoes and saturday, it continues, strong storms from west texas, all the way up into the central plains slight risk, tornadoes are possible now, the heat from miami, florida. we've got the heat advisories. we've also got heat advisories and heat warnings. heat watches, heat indexes up to 120 degrees from sanderson to new orleans and a little...
eye 18
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the rude tallahassee of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the island, the portuguese only intensified their care against the rebels. the 40s actively use the political contradictions between various groups of rebels during the war colonial aircraft. regularly use, ne, fall, and drop the fully ends on peaceful villages. the portuguese empire was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements. the revolution in portugal brought down the plaza, is freezing, and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january of the 1975, the elbow or agreements were assigned and the country gained independence. after so many years of the brutal war, the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground can the that's a little demo, but i
the rude tallahassee of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the island, the portuguese only intensified their care against the rebels. the 40s actively use the political contradictions between various groups of rebels during the war colonial aircraft. regularly use, ne, fall, and drop the fully ends on peaceful villages. the portuguese empire was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements. the revolution in portugal brought down the...
Jun 15, 2023
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dodge city all the way to tallahassee, and also in the midatlantic states, we're going to be watching that. and right into saturday, seven million people for severe weather. and as far as the heat, lester in texas, triple-digits right through the weekend. >> all right, al roker, thank you. >>> now to the breaking news. the international guardsman accused of leaking classified documents online has just been indicted. kristen welker joins us. kristen, what are you learning? >> lester, this is a major development. a federal grand jury indicting jack teixeira on six counts of willful retention and transmission of classified information related to national defense. teixeira was arrested at his home in massachusetts. this was two months ago. authorities say he posted the documents on a social media chat room, which the attorney general says could have caused exceptionally grave damage to national security if shared. teixeira's attorney said he never meant for the information to be widely disseminated. but the episode raising serious questions why somebody in a national guard unit who works
dodge city all the way to tallahassee, and also in the midatlantic states, we're going to be watching that. and right into saturday, seven million people for severe weather. and as far as the heat, lester in texas, triple-digits right through the weekend. >> all right, al roker, thank you. >>> now to the breaking news. the international guardsman accused of leaking classified documents online has just been indicted. kristen welker joins us. kristen, what are you learning?...
Jun 20, 2023
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it happened friday morning just off the shore of panama city east of tallahassee.an was fishing with his friends when you see here weather got really bad. as they were heading back to land, they saw a boat capsize. a man in a nearby boat took action, dove in the water. brady says the man broke open a window and got the people inside out. >> it makes you really reflect on the things that are important in life. i'm going to try to not get emotional, but it was just -- it was an intense moment that, you know, ultimately i'm just going to say it came down to god putting us in the right place at the right time. >> brady says there were four people inside that boat that needed help that day. he and his friends helped all of them back to shore. >>> okay. father's day yesterday at the ballpark, and there were some tears. dad had his hands full trying to keep peace between his two sons. take a look. >> high fly down the left-field line. that one cruising for the corner. >> oh, look at this. >> never to be forgotten. >> oh, sick. >> oh! >> did you see big bro? oh, no! >> he
it happened friday morning just off the shore of panama city east of tallahassee.an was fishing with his friends when you see here weather got really bad. as they were heading back to land, they saw a boat capsize. a man in a nearby boat took action, dove in the water. brady says the man broke open a window and got the people inside out. >> it makes you really reflect on the things that are important in life. i'm going to try to not get emotional, but it was just -- it was an intense...
Jun 30, 2023
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last week, in the state capital of tallahassee, a school principal resigned after parents complainedlesson on michaelangelo's david exposed sixth graders to pornography. oh, yeah. oh, yeah. baby. my favorite part of any porno is when someone is standing flacid while thinking about murdering a giant. oh, yeah. [applause] but this has got me wondering, is all renaissance art smut? i'm looking at you, mona lisa. what are you smiling about? could it be... boobs! [laughter] i don't know. i don't know about that joke. apparently, it's a funny word. it's a funny word. apparently, two parents complained that they weren't notified in advance that a nude would be shown. nothing creepy about that. "look, i just wanna know when the nudes are gonna show up. also the kinda-nudes. what are we talking about? tasteful, or like, the good stuff? 'cause i'm an art lover. i mean i'm a concerned parent. i mean i'm a concerned parent." obviously this is silly. and the people over in italy agree. which is why in response, this week, the florence museum that exhibits the statue invited the parents and studen
last week, in the state capital of tallahassee, a school principal resigned after parents complainedlesson on michaelangelo's david exposed sixth graders to pornography. oh, yeah. oh, yeah. baby. my favorite part of any porno is when someone is standing flacid while thinking about murdering a giant. oh, yeah. [applause] but this has got me wondering, is all renaissance art smut? i'm looking at you, mona lisa. what are you smiling about? could it be... boobs! [laughter] i don't know. i don't...
Jun 1, 2023
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my reporting from tallahassee delved deep into this.ion whether he was going to do this, right, if he was going to run for president. was he going to stick around and shake hands and pose for selfies? he didn't like to do it. he's not a small talker, but he's doing it. i've watched him now a couple weeks in iowa. i've watched him the past couple days. he's working the room, hanging out and getting back to his wife, she also does it. they work opposite ends of the room. they have equal crowds around them. he understands presumably this is what you need to do if you want to win, and he's doing what is required to put himself in a position to win. >> you know, jonathan, one of the reasons after the twitter launch i thought that ron desantis had a chance to catch up with donald trump is there's something about him. you hear him talking and there's a lot of virtue signaling. he looks at the polls and sees what the base wants and he gives them that. he also can -- this sounds simple. for an exhausted republican party that's had to deal with d
my reporting from tallahassee delved deep into this.ion whether he was going to do this, right, if he was going to run for president. was he going to stick around and shake hands and pose for selfies? he didn't like to do it. he's not a small talker, but he's doing it. i've watched him now a couple weeks in iowa. i've watched him the past couple days. he's working the room, hanging out and getting back to his wife, she also does it. they work opposite ends of the room. they have equal crowds...
Jun 19, 2023
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new orleans, tallahassee, all the way to savannah, with a marginal risk eye extending.his is part of a low-pressure system that continues to churn across the southeastern u.s. and keeping rain for that unsettled area. christine mentioned the heat. well it continues today. we're going to continue to test the power grid across louisiana and texas. check this out, this is not a typo. we have heat indices value. this is what it feels like on your skin, the humidity in the air. it's downright balmy for many locations like san antonio, houston and corpus christi. i was taken back when i saw this. this is just incredible. this is the feels like temperature when you step outside, 120 degrees today in corpus christi, christine. >> this is not the day to walk your dog. stay inside. and check on your neighbors. nice to see you. >>> just ahead, gun violence mars the holiday weekend from st. louis to the woods of washington state. >>> plus, a wild scene with a bear hanging out of someone's window. >>> but first, more on the meeting now under way between secretary of state antony bli
new orleans, tallahassee, all the way to savannah, with a marginal risk eye extending.his is part of a low-pressure system that continues to churn across the southeastern u.s. and keeping rain for that unsettled area. christine mentioned the heat. well it continues today. we're going to continue to test the power grid across louisiana and texas. check this out, this is not a typo. we have heat indices value. this is what it feels like on your skin, the humidity in the air. it's downright balmy...
Jun 25, 2023
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binge watching reality politics eager for blood sport would be bored and disappointing watches tallahassee titan slice and dice with a young and shiny political -- desantis biden is shooting fish in a barrel. and they would have to employ mercy rule before first debate and you know people don't want to see gramps mcgill taking on winter with biden versus trump. what they really want is godzilla versus king kong thepght the crack in them. yeah see that in the new guard will keep up with the old dirty bastards they have to play in the mud good thing the proxy presidential war has been playing out between two governors. east coast versus west coast tupac versus biggy one man greasier to take covid grudge to national level and that's california governor piano key teated. yeah. teeth. >> larger than 21 states population is combineds and the difference between me and most politicians is i own this. >> and my cosmetic dentistry gavin newsom has been waiting for a closeup for decades plotted a rise to the top through the filthy democratic machine his elbows are sharp as knitting needles ready to t
binge watching reality politics eager for blood sport would be bored and disappointing watches tallahassee titan slice and dice with a young and shiny political -- desantis biden is shooting fish in a barrel. and they would have to employ mercy rule before first debate and you know people don't want to see gramps mcgill taking on winter with biden versus trump. what they really want is godzilla versus king kong thepght the crack in them. yeah see that in the new guard will keep up with the old...
Jun 17, 2023
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tallahassee now included, back around the big bend all the way back into mobile where these areas couldick up 6-plus inches of rain. oklahoma city included, norman as well as tulsa with this enhanced risk of damaging winds in excess of 50 to 60 miles per hour, also hail 2 inches in indictment and strong tornados a possibly. that extends back into sunday. little rock, jackson, mobile included. less of a risk in florida expected, but still holding that possibility. this afternoon the storms will start to redevelop as we get to the heat of the day. anywhere between 6:00 and 8:00 we start to see strong, possibly even severe storms from oklahoma down into central texas. that you spushes into arkansas overnight. a lot of us are probably asleep at this time, so make sure you have a device that will wake you up to get to your safe spot. if you have a basement, that's your prime location. the system pushes sunday into florida but starts to lessen at that point in time. on top of all of this, record heat warnings includes from brownsville to corpus christi back into new orleans. temperatures coul
tallahassee now included, back around the big bend all the way back into mobile where these areas couldick up 6-plus inches of rain. oklahoma city included, norman as well as tulsa with this enhanced risk of damaging winds in excess of 50 to 60 miles per hour, also hail 2 inches in indictment and strong tornados a possibly. that extends back into sunday. little rock, jackson, mobile included. less of a risk in florida expected, but still holding that possibility. this afternoon the storms will...
Jun 17, 2023
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we have flood watches now extending through the big bend including tallahassee and mobile and pensacolathese areas could get 6-plus inches of rain in the next 48 hours. areas highlighted in orange have that enhanced risk stretching back down into north central texas. long-lived tornados in dallas, jackson, mobile, tampa. these areas can also see tornados. it's just a smaller risk. know where your safe spot is. get there as soon as that warning is issued. that severe weather risk extends into sunday. little rock, shreveport, jackson all included in that enhanced risk tomorrow, father's day. if you have plans with dad, be alert and check radar immediately before you head out and about. this afternoon we get a lot of sunshine and heating going on. that generates the storm activity across parts of southern kansas into oklahoma back down into texas about 10:00 central time into the overnight hours pushing into north american louisiana. a lot of us are in bed. if you have a weather radio, plug it in, put batteries in case the power goes out. that way you're woken up so you can get to your saf
we have flood watches now extending through the big bend including tallahassee and mobile and pensacolathese areas could get 6-plus inches of rain in the next 48 hours. areas highlighted in orange have that enhanced risk stretching back down into north central texas. long-lived tornados in dallas, jackson, mobile, tampa. these areas can also see tornados. it's just a smaller risk. know where your safe spot is. get there as soon as that warning is issued. that severe weather risk extends into...
Jun 16, 2023
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there is tallahassee. here is jacksonville for that geographical perspective. this is valid through the next 15 minutes or so. this is part of a larger severe weather setup that we have, a slight risk, a level two of five from the gulf coast stretching all the way to little rock. notice too the other areas across kansas, eastern colorado under the threat of severe weather today. the other weather story we're covering is the massive amounts of rain that have fallen. over a foot of rain just outside of the pensacola region, a storm that produced rainfall over the same location for several hours. some of the rainfall occurring within a three hour time span. this is a radar estimated rainfall total the past few days. the southeast is locked in this very unsettled weather pattern. but focusing this on pensacola, look at this, unconfirmed reports of 10 to 15 inches of rain where you see the pink and white, that is a life threatening amount of precipitation in such a short period of time. national weather service picking up on that. social media showing some of the fl
there is tallahassee. here is jacksonville for that geographical perspective. this is valid through the next 15 minutes or so. this is part of a larger severe weather setup that we have, a slight risk, a level two of five from the gulf coast stretching all the way to little rock. notice too the other areas across kansas, eastern colorado under the threat of severe weather today. the other weather story we're covering is the massive amounts of rain that have fallen. over a foot of rain just...
Jun 19, 2023
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tallahassee, mobile, winds up to 100 miles an hour.er rainfall as well. we could see flooding conditions that's why we have a floash floo alert. we have flood warnings that means floods are happening right now. >> thanki s for keeping an eye that. >>> still ahead, jon meacham will join us for this juneteenth holiday. and we'll get to secretary of state antony blinken's high-stakes trip to china and what it means for foreign relations between washington and beijing. we'll be right back. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis.
tallahassee, mobile, winds up to 100 miles an hour.er rainfall as well. we could see flooding conditions that's why we have a floash floo alert. we have flood warnings that means floods are happening right now. >> thanki s for keeping an eye that. >>> still ahead, jon meacham will join us for this juneteenth holiday. and we'll get to secretary of state antony blinken's high-stakes trip to china and what it means for foreign relations between washington and beijing. we'll be right...
Jun 17, 2023
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two inches per hour, and we've extended the flood watch now, into parts of florida, that includes tallahassee, and all the way down through the big bend, and where we can pick up over six inches of rain if not more. now only that but again the threat for severe weather today and tomorrow, and areas highlighted in orange, that includes tulsa, oklahoma city, that's where we're most vulnerable for the strong long-lived attorneys, dallas, mobile, tampa, with a slight risk. that extends into sunday. into little rock. shreveport. back into mobile, for the strongest tornado risk. but we watch this very closely. take a look at the time frame, later this afternoon, we get this re-development with the heat of the day. so late afternoon, early evening. we're talking 4:00, 5:00, seeing them spark and ramp up around 8:00, 9:00 and that pushes into the southeast through the overnight hours, and places like arkansas, back into mississippi, alabama, and early tomorrow morning. and into the afternoon. still holding on to that threat of severe weather. then late into the afternoon, and evening, pushing down in
two inches per hour, and we've extended the flood watch now, into parts of florida, that includes tallahassee, and all the way down through the big bend, and where we can pick up over six inches of rain if not more. now only that but again the threat for severe weather today and tomorrow, and areas highlighted in orange, that includes tulsa, oklahoma city, that's where we're most vulnerable for the strong long-lived attorneys, dallas, mobile, tampa, with a slight risk. that extends into sunday....
Jun 20, 2023
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they start off today rolling the stay woke bus into the state capitol of tallahassee and then went onto a gainesville. they're going to hit 15 cities in florida over the next five days. again, they're call sg the stay woke florida tour from the naacp. just as governor ron desantis traveling to all the early governing states perhaps assuming he doesn't have to become a good speaker if he keepsr waggling his finger at e audience and saying woke over and over again and that's all he'll need, and that will do thh trick for him. funny, not everybody hears that word e the same way you do. the reason the naacp stay woke florida bus tour kicked off today is because today is june 19th, aka juneteenth. but confederate army lost the civilos war, surrendered in 186. it was not until june 19, 1865, when the union army came to galveston, texas, to issue junior order number 3, basically saying yeah we mean it, here too. it says, quote with a proccluimation from the zematives of theui united state all slaves are free. and juneteenth has been an african american community celebration in the united state
they start off today rolling the stay woke bus into the state capitol of tallahassee and then went onto a gainesville. they're going to hit 15 cities in florida over the next five days. again, they're call sg the stay woke florida tour from the naacp. just as governor ron desantis traveling to all the early governing states perhaps assuming he doesn't have to become a good speaker if he keepsr waggling his finger at e audience and saying woke over and over again and that's all he'll need, and...
Jun 28, 2023
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i can point you to tallahassee, florida, on i believe january 5th, 2023.power from my first administration to my second because i won re-election in a historic fashion, and at the end of the day, you know, we need to win and we need to get this done. so i wasn't anywhere near washington that day. i have nothing to do with what happened that day. obviously i didn't enjoy seeing what would happen, but we've got to go forward on this stuff. we cannot be looking backwards and be mired in the past. >>> next, we'll turn to sports. baseball's best player puts on a show for his hometown fans. we'll show you shohei ohtani's big night and the other moments you can't miss around the diamond. that's next on "way too early." diamond. that's next on "way too early. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar
i can point you to tallahassee, florida, on i believe january 5th, 2023.power from my first administration to my second because i won re-election in a historic fashion, and at the end of the day, you know, we need to win and we need to get this done. so i wasn't anywhere near washington that day. i have nothing to do with what happened that day. obviously i didn't enjoy seeing what would happen, but we've got to go forward on this stuff. we cannot be looking backwards and be mired in the past....
Jun 27, 2023
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few tornadoes possible with that from tucson to tallahassee, 49 million people under heat advisories,9 in brownsville 108 in del rio, texas. and no relief in sight going later into the week from tallahassee near 100, mid to upper 90s in atlanta an triple digits from dallas, st. louis down to laredo. >>> the shooter who killed five people and injured 17 others at an lgbtq nightclub in colorado springs pleaded guilty yesterday and was sentenced to life in prison without a chance for parole 23-year-old anderson lee aldrich used an ar-15 style assault rifle during that attack last fall at the popular club q he was tackled and disarmed by patrons there. after the sentencing yesterday, the fbi announced it has opened a case against aldridge that could result in additional federal charges. >>> the cdc is out with a new health warning after confirming five cases of malaria in the u.s. over the last two months. they are the first malaria infections in 20 years to be acquired locally and not linked to travel outside the country. four cases are in florida and one in texas the cdc says all of the
few tornadoes possible with that from tucson to tallahassee, 49 million people under heat advisories,9 in brownsville 108 in del rio, texas. and no relief in sight going later into the week from tallahassee near 100, mid to upper 90s in atlanta an triple digits from dallas, st. louis down to laredo. >>> the shooter who killed five people and injured 17 others at an lgbtq nightclub in colorado springs pleaded guilty yesterday and was sentenced to life in prison without a chance for...
Jun 9, 2023
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are bright in tallahassee. democrat. hello. barbara in florida, hello? >> i am here. >> you are on. >> ok. well, if i don't have enough with ron desantis in the state of florida, now, i've got trump saying how innocent he is. he is not innocent. he is gotten calls. all of this rhetoric just came across truth social. it just tells you that this man thinks he is above the law. he is above everything. now, i have ron desantis defending him. if i don't have enough problems on my hand, i've got it with these two men, and they need to step up and get him for what he has done wrong in this country. thank you. have a great day. >> republican line, robber in indiana. go ahead. >> yes. i have never -- i am a sixers old and i've never seen a government like we've got. trump is -- state been at him every time. probably since he was born. look. they cannot let this man rest. i don't know why he wants to go ahead and take all of this and still try to run this country. he is for this country. he is not for these idiots overseas. he is here to run this country and he's
are bright in tallahassee. democrat. hello. barbara in florida, hello? >> i am here. >> you are on. >> ok. well, if i don't have enough with ron desantis in the state of florida, now, i've got trump saying how innocent he is. he is not innocent. he is gotten calls. all of this rhetoric just came across truth social. it just tells you that this man thinks he is above the law. he is above everything. now, i have ron desantis defending him. if i don't have enough problems on my...
Jun 4, 2023
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born in tallahassee, florida she developed a passion for reading at a young age. she developed -- he graduated from roosevelt university and began her professional career as a children's librarian in the chicago public library while still in school. she earned a doctorate from the university of chicago in 1987. she taught at the university of pittsburgh school of information sciences from 1987 to 1991 and served two years at the chicago public library before being appointed ceo of the pratt library in baltimore in 1993. at pratt she greatly expanded digital services, started an afterschool program for teenagers and open the first new branch of 30 years. carla was president of the american library association from 2003 to 2004 in the first african-american to receive the library journals i brain of the year award. she was good enough to join us for an interview for one of pew's after-the-fact podcasts. she called libraries baskin's of equal opportunity. she told us the library and is there to give you unbiased access to information, and that's an idea that all of u
born in tallahassee, florida she developed a passion for reading at a young age. she developed -- he graduated from roosevelt university and began her professional career as a children's librarian in the chicago public library while still in school. she earned a doctorate from the university of chicago in 1987. she taught at the university of pittsburgh school of information sciences from 1987 to 1991 and served two years at the chicago public library before being appointed ceo of the pratt...
Jun 27, 2023
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about his success in florida, as he should, but he has supermajorities that are republicans many in tallahassees some credit for that. he's helped build those supermajorities. nevertheless, d.c. will be different. and i think putting out a vision saying here's what i would like to do, totally fair game. whether every single jot is completely realistic in d.c., separate question. stuart: fair point, guy, fair point. president biden is denying, once again, that he talked to hunter about his foreign business deals. watch this, please or. roll it. [inaudible conversations] stuart: guy, where do you think this goes the from here? >> well, i suspect that that was another lie from the president. and i don't use that word lightly. he told our colleague, peter doocy, years ago as a candidate that he had no knowledge, no dealings, no conversation whatsoever with his son, with his brother about their foreign business dealings. he doubled down right there. we heard that with jacqui heinrich. and the problem for him is we have e-mails, we have records, we have sworn testimony from people like tony bobulinsk
about his success in florida, as he should, but he has supermajorities that are republicans many in tallahassees some credit for that. he's helped build those supermajorities. nevertheless, d.c. will be different. and i think putting out a vision saying here's what i would like to do, totally fair game. whether every single jot is completely realistic in d.c., separate question. stuart: fair point, guy, fair point. president biden is denying, once again, that he talked to hunter about his...
Jun 21, 2023
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>> donald trump did an effective job defining him early on and he didn't leave tallahassee and that wascycle so far and defining him as sort of odd, and perhaps not a people person and perhaps, you know, having a cruel streak which i think is an issue. i think he's not claimed his own narrative and that's the reason why there's an opening. >> a six-week abortion ban will not win you suburban women voters and even republican base voters want someone who can win broadly. >> great to see you in person. appreciate the time. kate? >> this just in to cnn, the u.s. coast guard will be holding a briefing on the search for the missing oceangate vessel and that is at 1:00 p.m. eastern today. so updates coming soon on the search for that missing vessel. also ahead for us, two steps forward, but how many steps back now? president biden referring to china's leader as a dictator and we learned some u.s. officials were caught off guard by the whole thing. china responding furiously. we're coming back. so, we're in norway - fifirst trip together, and it's going pretty well. but on our way to tour this
>> donald trump did an effective job defining him early on and he didn't leave tallahassee and that wascycle so far and defining him as sort of odd, and perhaps not a people person and perhaps, you know, having a cruel streak which i think is an issue. i think he's not claimed his own narrative and that's the reason why there's an opening. >> a six-week abortion ban will not win you suburban women voters and even republican base voters want someone who can win broadly. >>...
Jun 5, 2023
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. >> reporter: edward bloom, who's retired from a job in finance and living in tallahassee, florida,lawyer. he is founder and president of students for fair admissions, and acknowledges starting the group to challenge affirmative action in colleges. the supreme court is now considering cases he brought targeting the university of north carolina, the nation's oldest public university, and harvard, the oldest private college. bloom says his group has 22,000 members, but none are identified by name in either court case. >> well, in the world of social media it is no surprise that 17 and 18-year-old kids do not want nam made public. >> reporter: bloom has previously spearheaded two cases in which the supreme court struck down voting policies designed to help racial groups, particularly african american and latinx voters who've endured prior discrimination. but he lost a 2016 case in which he backed abigail fisher. >> i don't believe that students should be treated differently based on their race. >> reporter: who unsuccessfully challenged racial consideration in admissions at the univers
. >> reporter: edward bloom, who's retired from a job in finance and living in tallahassee, florida,lawyer. he is founder and president of students for fair admissions, and acknowledges starting the group to challenge affirmative action in colleges. the supreme court is now considering cases he brought targeting the university of north carolina, the nation's oldest public university, and harvard, the oldest private college. bloom says his group has 22,000 members, but none are identified...
Jun 20, 2023
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they started off today rolling the stay woke bus into tallahassee and then gainesville. they'll hit 15 cities in florida over the next five days. they're calling it the stay woke florida tour from the naacp. just as governor ronald desantis is traveling the country to all the early voting states. perhaps assuming he doesn't have to become a good speaker if he can just keep waggling his finger like he's mad at them and saying the word "woke" over and over again and that's all he will need. that'll will do the trick for h him. it's funny not everybody hears the word the way you do the reason the stay woke tour kicked offer today is because today is june 19th aka juneteenth the confederate army lost the civil war, surrendered in 1865 it was not until june 19th, 1865, when the union army came to galveston, texas, to issue general order number 3 basically saying, yeah, we mean it here, too. it said in accordance with the proclamation of the executive of the united states, all slaves are free and juneteenth has been an african american community celebration in the united state
they started off today rolling the stay woke bus into tallahassee and then gainesville. they'll hit 15 cities in florida over the next five days. they're calling it the stay woke florida tour from the naacp. just as governor ronald desantis is traveling the country to all the early voting states. perhaps assuming he doesn't have to become a good speaker if he can just keep waggling his finger like he's mad at them and saying the word "woke" over and over again and that's all he will...
Jun 23, 2023
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the flood watches up for places like raleigh, tallahassee, and light showers working through plays liked new york here as we go through the extended period. here's what we're expecting for the rain totals. check out places like new york as we get through the weekend, we're going to see maybe half an inch to up to an inch, isolated higher than that across parts of new england as well. all part of the shower system at least through today, into tomorrow we could see stronger storms developing back through the midwest. that will be something to watch for your saturday. through your friday another day where we could see the strong storms draped across the plains and hail could be up to tennis ball sized. and they just cannot get a break in parts of texas, new mexico, oklahoma. we've got millions under these heat alerts and for good reason, jonathan. triple digit temperatures. once again we've seen numerous records broken in the past couple of days. >> another move i like from a manager upset with an empire is when he kicks dirt on the plate. we'll suggest that for next time. angie lassman, h
the flood watches up for places like raleigh, tallahassee, and light showers working through plays liked new york here as we go through the extended period. here's what we're expecting for the rain totals. check out places like new york as we get through the weekend, we're going to see maybe half an inch to up to an inch, isolated higher than that across parts of new england as well. all part of the shower system at least through today, into tomorrow we could see stronger storms developing back...
Jun 13, 2023
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tallahassee was very quiet today. we didn't hear too much from him except we heard reporting about how he would redesign or reimagine the justice department as president. i think it's interesting to see tim scott and nikki haley, the two happy warrior candidates in this mix. very much trying to take that position of criticizing the justice department but, at the same time, noting the serioused in the of this allegation -- of these allegations and vivek ramaswamy has handled this pretty interestingly given that he had this press conference trying to get the others to sign pledge if you will. getting a lot of attention for it. >> bret: a lot of attention. guy, we don't know what the trump defense team is going to come back with president talk about the presidential records act a few times but we don't know how this shape up and which lawyers are going to be running it previous lawyers last week when the indictment dropped. i understand why a lot of conservatives point out to politically motivated attacks on trump that's
tallahassee was very quiet today. we didn't hear too much from him except we heard reporting about how he would redesign or reimagine the justice department as president. i think it's interesting to see tim scott and nikki haley, the two happy warrior candidates in this mix. very much trying to take that position of criticizing the justice department but, at the same time, noting the serioused in the of this allegation -- of these allegations and vivek ramaswamy has handled this pretty...
Jun 20, 2023
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they started off today rolling the stay woke boss ended tallahassee, then gainesville, are gonna hit 15 cities in florida over the next five days again, they are calling at the stay woke florida tore from th naacp. just as governor ron desanti is traveling the country wit all the early voting states, assuming he does not ever have to become a good speaker if he can just wag his finger at audiences like he is mad a them and say the word woke ove and over again and that is all he will need that will do the trick for him it is funny, not everybody hears that were the same way you do the reason the naacp stay woke florida bus tour kicked of today is because today is june 19th, aka juneteenth the confederate army lost th civil war, surrendered it in april of 1965. it was not until june 19th 186 when the union army came t galveston texas to issue general order number three basically saying we mean it. here too it said, quote, in accordanc with a proclamation from the executive of the united states all slaves are free. and juneteenth has been an african american community celebration in the
they started off today rolling the stay woke boss ended tallahassee, then gainesville, are gonna hit 15 cities in florida over the next five days again, they are calling at the stay woke florida tore from th naacp. just as governor ron desanti is traveling the country wit all the early voting states, assuming he does not ever have to become a good speaker if he can just wag his finger at audiences like he is mad a them and say the word woke ove and over again and that is all he will need that...
Jun 19, 2023
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savannah to tallahassee, mobile to new orleans, that's where we're expecting the likelihood for severether in addition to the severe weather, really hef very vi downpours, sort of like a sponge that you squeeze out where you see the green, that's a flood watch. the red is a flood warning that means flooding is happening now or it's imminent you want to be careful as you're out and about. if you see a flooded roadway, you want to turn around and be careful. the reason is we're looking at five inches or more of rain. we've seen rain day after day after day. the darker colors, that's where we're seeing the heaviest rain falling. that's what we'll watch today, tomorrow and through friday. this flooding threat is going to be a story throughout the next couple days. ana. >> i see there heat is the other big story. >> it's a big one. it's dangerous and it's been going on and on. that's when it begins to tax your body because we can't recover as quickly 31 million americans in the south under a heat alert or excessive heat warning dallas, houston, corpus christi. that's because we're expecting
savannah to tallahassee, mobile to new orleans, that's where we're expecting the likelihood for severether in addition to the severe weather, really hef very vi downpours, sort of like a sponge that you squeeze out where you see the green, that's a flood watch. the red is a flood warning that means flooding is happening now or it's imminent you want to be careful as you're out and about. if you see a flooded roadway, you want to turn around and be careful. the reason is we're looking at five...
Jun 7, 2023
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john: gavin newsom and ron desantis squaring off again, this time over migrant flights sent from tallahassee to sacramento. tom homan has some thoughts, he is up next. plus, there's this. >> tensions between parents and a school board in california are boiling over. how gender and sexuality is taught in schools turned violent. >> they need to stop asking little children what they sexually identify as. children are not sexual beings nor should they be. veteran homeowners making a big car payment every month? car loans can be expensive and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month. ♪ ("i like to move it" by reel 2 real plays) ♪ we're reinventing our network... for total confidence and complete control. ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. ♪ move it! ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30g of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uh... here i'll take that. -everyone: woo hoo! ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar. enter the nourishing moments gi
john: gavin newsom and ron desantis squaring off again, this time over migrant flights sent from tallahassee to sacramento. tom homan has some thoughts, he is up next. plus, there's this. >> tensions between parents and a school board in california are boiling over. how gender and sexuality is taught in schools turned violent. >> they need to stop asking little children what they sexually identify as. children are not sexual beings nor should they be. veteran homeowners making a big...
Jun 16, 2023
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possible especially where you see this yellow, so we're looking at eldorado, jackson, mobile, down to tallahasseee of the gulf coast states once again. tomorrow we're look at the same threat. looking at the chance for severe weather in the central and southern plains. we're concerned about really heavy rainfall especially along the gulf coast. we're seeing that this morning, and we have a front parked over the area and going to be the trigger for that really heavy rain, and those summer-like downpours. another big story the heat in texas. we're looking at heat watches, advisories. lake charles you're under a heat warning and that's because we're going to see those temperatures sizzle once again into the triple digits. feeling like 111 and feeling like 117 in corpus christi. happy father's day. >> thank you for that. i'm still reeling from 117 degrees. michelle grossman, have a great weekend. >>> still ahead here on "way too early," the latest othen war in ukraine as russia announces plans for elections in occupied parts of the war torn country. we're back in a moment with more. n country. we're b
possible especially where you see this yellow, so we're looking at eldorado, jackson, mobile, down to tallahasseee of the gulf coast states once again. tomorrow we're look at the same threat. looking at the chance for severe weather in the central and southern plains. we're concerned about really heavy rainfall especially along the gulf coast. we're seeing that this morning, and we have a front parked over the area and going to be the trigger for that really heavy rain, and those summer-like...
Jun 12, 2023
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severe thunderstorm watches for tallahassee, and northern louisiana into southern portions of mississippi, and then we have a storm watch that includes colorado springs, pueblo, and all the way down into the northeast section of new mexico. denver area, you're okay right now. heavier rain to your south, but there's a line of strong storms crossing interstate 25, just south of colorado springs. they have had reports of one-inch hail, and gusty winds too, and then we have a flash flood potential in that line as it heads to interstate 7. that's probably some of the worst weather in the entire country. here's the big map that shows the risk of the storms today, and the mid-atlantic will be watching those from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. will be peak of that. >> hoping people stay safe with all to of that. bill karins, thank you so much. >>> a major u.s. port is shutting down over labor disputes and unlike succession, a billionaire is keeping his empire in the family. >> oh, that's kind of a spoiler, is it not, if you haven't watched? hopefully you have. >>> morgan brennan joins us now with today's
severe thunderstorm watches for tallahassee, and northern louisiana into southern portions of mississippi, and then we have a storm watch that includes colorado springs, pueblo, and all the way down into the northeast section of new mexico. denver area, you're okay right now. heavier rain to your south, but there's a line of strong storms crossing interstate 25, just south of colorado springs. they have had reports of one-inch hail, and gusty winds too, and then we have a flash flood potential...
Jun 20, 2023
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but i have talked to -- amanda and i were in tallahassee together, and her story, like so many, is ag emergency medical care, and being denied because of the confusion. and what we're seeing so many physicians and health care providers who are now really worried about what that does also in terms of access to all kinds of reproductive health care. in the top ten states with the worst maternal mortality, in the top ten states in the united states of america that have the worst maternal mortality, those top ten states also have bans in place. >> yeah. >> think about what that means and the hypocrisy at play when people purport to say that their position is because they care about women and children. but yet, you don't have and don't give them access to high quality and affordable care, including postpartum care, let's also talk about that. and what that means again in terms of, you know, really conflicting signals, but actually hypocrisy at play. >> i wonder, genesis, as our representative of gen z -- >> i'm a young millennial. >> very young millennial. >> i wonder, this is, i'm not go
but i have talked to -- amanda and i were in tallahassee together, and her story, like so many, is ag emergency medical care, and being denied because of the confusion. and what we're seeing so many physicians and health care providers who are now really worried about what that does also in terms of access to all kinds of reproductive health care. in the top ten states with the worst maternal mortality, in the top ten states in the united states of america that have the worst maternal...