actor evgeny shirikov and samara schoolboy andrey isaev, met in tolyat to introduce us to talyatin state universityresting, prestigious and promising. it’s hard to imagine the modern world without electricity, but what would happen if it were suddenly turned off? if electricity goes out throughout the world, humanity will quickly return to stone age - claim at the department of power supply and electrical engineering, talyatin state university. i always say, guys, electricians are one of the most important and responsible jobs and socially significant. our guys can work anywhere, from a power plant to any enterprise in the city , including a scientific organization, an educational organization, we are still responsible for the personnel, because our work is dangerous, the work involves high voltages. vera vasilievna vakhnina, head of the department of electrical supply and electrical engineering at tolyatinsk state university, doctor of technical sciences, professor. she believes that it is important to alternate lectures in classrooms with on-site classes where students become more familiar with t