question not to lose, save money, and therefore, he began to buy apartments, bought a piece of land in tamamania all i bought an apartment for myself. how many rooms there are five six rooms 240 almost a square of 240 square meters with good neighbors a very good house so the design did everything, the repairs were done more than the apartment costs, but they didn’t regret it, as they say, it wasn’t necessary to quickly get rid of money correctly with a wife and children even ok. here it is. then your wife was stunned at the computer, and then it was completely different. children. they took it very easy on me. even now they are hiding, they do not want to be filmed by their parents' wife, sister. they even cried , they say they don't take away. that is, we don’t need that kind of money, they were afraid, but the wife did n’t blow off the roof, but at least for a moment, well, the woman said, so what do i want? she already had the ring. and that is, it's you already how we lived in a rented apartment, but lived well. they lived well and the children didn’t have any such that dad and buy me no. l