my name is a man tamanda ho, dir of the king kong association and coach in san francisco. first, i want to say thank you for the recreation and parks opportunity to run the labor day tournament. i want to say thank you for david lee also for giving me the opportunity for making the labor day tournament. it was very successful. to promote the table tennis development in san francisco, i think we need to get a more table tennis tournaments and defensd events in san francisco we have a facility portend tables, and we can have more in the future for table tennis players. thank you. >> are they ready? if you could please switch it on to the power point. >> what you are watching is the final match that was played for first place. [laughter] i think you want to show the tournament. commissioner lee. thank you, commissioner. publicity is thstunt. [laughter] ok. all right. that really conclude the general managers' report. >> any public comment on the general managers' report? please come forward. this is not really public comment. this is part of the general managers' report. good