tamanna, you know, what, what do we have in the quran and in hadith that give this, you know, this strength to these muslims in gazzah in the face of such barbarity and genocide. yeah, absolutely. well, thank you for having us on, um, and absolutely completely inspired by people stories, and it's so inspiring to you know hear the different reasons why people are now. into islam, accepting islam, um, so the quran and hadith offers so many lessons, guidance that likely inspire muslims in palestine to remain strong in times of injustice. so key themes are exercising patience and perseverance, accountability injustice, prayer and faith, and tawaklah, trust and allah. so, um, i believe that currently no people, no community and no group, group are exercising power, um, and faith as much as palestinians, as much as the people in gaza, in palestine. um, so if we take the lessons of sawakullah, trust in allah, um, having observed the people in gaza, in palestine, on our screens and hearing and listening to their personal accounts. the key, striking pattern is their unwavering and absolute convictio