tamara keith, white house correspondent for npr, and richard painter was chief white house ethics adviser for george w. bush. why now? what's specific about the potential departure of mcgahn that's got so many people worried, or is it just one more thing that's making them worried? >> ali, it's just one more thing that's making them worry. this fear has been building for a while now as it looks increasingly likely that democrats have a real possibility of taking over the majority of the house at a minimum in november's midterm elections. and people around the president, his allies, including some of his advisers inside the white house, are very concerned that could lead to a barrage of subpoenas, of investigations, of inquiries into ethical misconduct in the administration, into increase perhaps into the president's businesses, and most dangerously, into possible impeachment proceedings, depending, of course, on what sort of report special counsel robert mueller issues regarding obstruction of justice. and so there is concern that trump is not prepared for that, that he hasn't hired the k