in general, she has such a friend in her life, two girls , two girlfriends, for which tamara vasilyevna bathing, sleep. yes, everything has returned to normal almost elena vasilievna what are the changes in the sister? with balloon and without balloon. no, she's happier. yes, i have also become more sociable. so many friends, seriously. yes? yes, right away right away, how many friends have become here. i just want to say that many friends of all the participants in our project, the entire project takes place on the health program website it's completely free, so join us. write to each other on blogs, join all of us on the telegram channel and we will be just happy for you, sister girls, it 's freezing there. ride to the place to move, certainly. in what cases do you, as a professional , recommend the installation of cylinders, as a rule , these are people who cannot cope with their feeling of hunger and their need to constantly seize. we already told you.