the modern world is also the vision of rapper negger dou tamba from the nearby provincial capital tambacounda. this rap is about the new ideas coming from dimitra clubs, and their service to the entire village community. for the young men and women from sare boubou, these discussion groups are a step towards independence and autonomy. host: independence and autonomy are what people with physical disabilitieses around the word want t too, includining the visy impaired.. for r many, ort t -- fm skateboaoarding to basaseball s bothth a form of s self-expresn and a way of coping with litatition we went to e egypt to meetet onn in partiticular who wowon't les condition stop him eoying hihi sport. reporter: ali ghandr r is delighted. the new balls have arrived, and they're even easier to hear than the old ones. ali: i played soccer while i could still see -- with a regular ball, of course, with no bells. later at school, after i'd gone blind, we put the ball in a plastic bag so that we could hear it. reporter: even then, locating a ball using only your ears is no easy feat. the players here are eit