itis younger wom, like sandra uke, krystal ball, and tamika mallory, who areot waitg fo [aus ste n e a generational test taking place in feminism. is real. it is a shift that is about porspective, an iou rsiv neeg ess rp b ldfrthawe ar equal, being restrained by radicals, right wing men, who prce otgeillingo acceptou bel aluanry again. the]wea saan eem whusmb'ser advertisers. [cheers and applause] and demand full abortion funding from all lels of government whhe otes an fmanhgsit riwog, r iceht e. a willingness to demand that just as a great president of the ritoe oorems v tohampion young women leading to women's movement forward without tutelage. mueovetoleteou meadth ovement forward without it's a direct instruction. we o be op tar whllaknwea rsa n ho ' into say, we should all encourage to run for president of the united states. [cheers and applause] sandra fluke. tw ,w' ot gotouk t us nte an ar uganu legi o wofuest rrganization, the national organization for women, terry o'neill, who will introduce center by presenti her with ch deserved award. ppe] thanks, and. and thanks t