our speakers are tamim ansary and atta arghandiwal but let's go on with another question. atta, in your book you have some wonderful personal scenes the day 9/11 happened to its very powerful. when you return to afghanistan, there's a great description or seen around the corrupt officials and party you went to at the private home. one of the things i found most memorable is vivid here, your family's home village. and in that you visit your father's grave, but also i talked to you earlier about the mosque, when you visited the mosque there were taliban there. can you describe that scene? and also again, what role might they have going forward? a productive role, critical role? may be addressed that, bring us to that moment. >> it really wasn't open when i did go to kabul and i told my cousin that, of course, that was the first order of the day, to go in. we left early morning, just kind of going back to the old days and it was snowing. it was just crisp early morning meeting. as we met there, one of the first things i was told that it's friday of course and it's going to be