you have to think of tammy douglass. this is somebody recently she won a congressional race in illinois but she's also an iraq war vet. she's joining us. you're an inspiration to so many people. i know you'll be talking late they are afternoon about the importance of service. not everybody does what you do. but they can do something. you and i were talking about that earlier. >> and we should all do something. only one half of one percent of our population serves in uniform, but so many people serve. if you're going to volunteer at a soup kitchen, squeeze in an extra hour at an event center, do something, that's what's important about today, something to give back to this wonderful nation we live in. >> reporter: there is a ball that is happening of course for the veterans, very important affair. i know you'll be there. the president, the first lady. give us a sense of whether or not you feel there is the kind of support, what that means today when they go out there. they're looking for jobs, a tough time this-in this co