tammy faye was always two seconds away from bursting into song at all times. she always had a -- he always had a powder blue suit and a heavy gold watch and a carnival like atmosphere in the own life and marriage. so because of that they were magnetic. they were so fun to watch, and it kind of had a who knows, let's throw open the door spirituals and see what god brings in. >> food to these ministers appealed of? >> we know there's very little good data on the. the relationship to the audience, there's pretty meager resource for us to draw but we do know in the '80s those kind of televangelists such as kenneth a. baker were attracted to this the elderly, the at home of your. but now we can see with the mega church phenomenon this really is a young middle-class phenomenon to everyone thinks this is sad, indigent poor, reaching for the last penny to drop in the cover. but really this is the kind of thing that an aspirational middle-class audience is going to see weekly in order to get practical resources to have to think about their jobs and their marriages and