. >> host: jim and tammy faye bakker, with a prosperity gospel ministers? >> guest: they were the kind of perfect embodiment of that. i like writing about the fact he started a christian wonderland instead of the church. they had a see what god can do playful attitude. tammy faye was always two seconds away from her stint in tucson at all times. here without a powder blue suit and a heavy gold watch and a carnival like atmosphere in their life and marriage. because of that very magnetic. they were so fond to watch and had a who knows what's there open the doors virtually the lookout for an. >> host: who did these minutes as appeal to? >> guest: well, there's very little good data on that. the relationship between audience and televangelist is pretty meager as far as to draw in. we do know that in the 80s the kinds of televangelist like tammy faye bakker. check it to the silver set, the elderly, the at-home viewers. but now we can see what the mega-church phenomenon, this is a young middle-class phenomenon. everyone thinks this is a sad come into janette pou