. >> hello, my name is tammy peterson and thank you for being here today. >> it is a pleasure to. >> i have enjoyed your book. we need to start competing like men and i think that is great advice. also i'm thinking that the public response and her colleagues respond differently. can you talk to some of the ways that women can experience running for office differently and how we can prepare ourselves for those differences? >> important thing to think about is there is, in the literature -- there is a literature a set of challenges that are recorded that women face. they worry about work and family issues and the way that they can raise enough money. they wait to be asked and they worry about whether they are qualified for the job. one of the things that goes on among a lot of women is that they do share those concerns. they have some difficulty kind of getting past them. so that is something that i think that women need to face and recognize. we'd recognize that we can be way more like men in that respect. if a woman, for instance, says that my state representative is working on educa