i would like to reintroduce you to tammy tucker. the founding director of shalom bayit.the coordinator of counseling services. welcome back. sarah, can you talk about the concrete services that shalom bayit divides people? >> the first service we provide is phone counseling line. it is not a 24 hour hotline but during business hours we try as hard as we can to answer the phone . and anyone answering the phone can provide guidance, emotional support, and some kind of concrete planning for next steps when someone is calling us. two of our main counseling programs are really lovely. we have support services in the east bay and throughout the rest of the bay area on a rotating basis. support groups are chance for women who have been abused to come together and feel they are less alone in some of the shame and secrecy is broken down. we have women in those groups who have experience the very bad physical violence. women who have had financial abuse. women who have had verbal and psychological abuse and they get together and work on healing. after individual counseling focused