began their defense by aggressively cross-examining the prosecution's witnesses, starting with tandy cyruswice in her new apartment, but they got tandy to admit, those visits weren't so scary after all. >> those two episodes, prosecutors tried to portray as some type of nefarious behavior on nick's part. but tandy made it clear that these episodes were nothing more than an inconvenience. she testified that on one occasion they slept together. >> reporter: the defense's argument, tandy's break up with nick was hardly the drama she made it out to be. >> they tried to portray it as if nick was this, you know-- demon, this-- this-- this awful person who snuck into this woman's bedroom, as i said on my summation, like something out of a horror movie and hovered above her in the dark as if he was about to do something, you know, evil. when -- during the cross-examination, it came out that that wasn't the case. >> reporter: and tandy and other family members also conceded that nick had never laid a hand on garrett while they lived together. >> there was nothing between the two that could be consi