. >> alfonsi: terry griffin is their dad. tangie is their mom. n't pounding on each other, they were wrecking their house in st. petersburg, florida. >> terry griffin: sports was more or less something to take some of that energy. >> alfonsi: you needed to run them out. >> terry griffin: i needed to run them. i needed to run them. and they was so excited. they were like, "dad, can i-- ?" "run, boy, run. ( laughter ) run, run, run. matter of fact, you can run some. give me a call when you're finished." ( laughter ) >> alfonsi: nothing slowed shaqeum down, including the birth defect that deformed his left hand. during pregnancy, small strands of tissue constricted his fingers. it's called amniotic band syndrome. the undeveloped hand caused him pain, until it was amputated when he was four. did you ever think about getting him a prosthetic? >> tangie griffin: i thought about it. and then i said, "you know what? i'm-- i'm not going to do it." >> alfonsi: why? >> tangie griffin: because he started working and he didn't need it. you know, he was able to