for the pbs newshour, i'm tania rashid from the kutupalong camp in bangladesh. >> woodruff: tomorrow night, in the final part of the series, tania rashid takes us inside the disturbing world of human trafficking in bangladesh. of woodruff: now, false news, and the challengombating it. since the 2016 electe have all become more aware of the problem. initial efforts to stop it or slow it have had mixed results at best. today, french presiden temmanuel macrd a joint session of congress false news is an "ever growing viru that threatens to "corrode the very spirit of democracy." erfacebook is front and cen all of this. tonight, miles orien begins a four-part series, spread over the next four dnesdays, about the larger problems including at lecebook, part of our weekly segment on "the ading edge" of technology. >> reporter: at facebook, the scale of everything is hard to grasp. the largest building at its headquarters in menlo park california spans a quarter mile, and sits beneath a lush, n acre rooftop park. it's vast, built into the landscape, and growing fast, ch like the force of huma