miss tannenbaum's mother will be living with the family. [inaudible] covid has had on most everyone, and our current reality, which is not likely to change overnight, the project seeks to provide functionally adequate outdoor space for the family. [inaudible] that concludes my presentation, and we are available for any questions. >> clerk: thank you. okay, commissioners. now, that concludes the public hearing, and the matter is now before you. >> president koppel: i am on board and supporting staff's recommendation on this one. commissioner moore? >> vice president moore: i have a -- i have a question for mr. winslow. mr. winslow, could you please explain the need for the spiral staircase in single-family homes unless the exiting corridor is unusual long, that spiral staircase is, in its own right, undesirable. could you give us some indication of why you have not flagged that? >> sure. if you look on sheet a-17, the spiral staircase i think that you're referring to is not -- it's set up 5 foot from the property line at the rear. >> vice pr