take off the bread, tantar, it’s not me, stop the market, dystrophic, it doesn’t affect me, mamay, iditor-in-chief, in principle, approved the topic, but before writing the article, i need to clarify some details, weeks, what do you want from the article, what is your goal? i want the country's leadership to know our success? you do not devoid of ambition, i see, but what do these ambitions have to do with it? i just want the officials from the ministry not to interfere with our work, they interfere with you, i can’t put a toilet on the site. without their permission, that is, you want even more freedom for your artel , not only for the individual, everyone needs freedom, you, including, i want to give people the opportunity to work and earn a lot, but honestly, then maybe we will build communism, capitalism you wanted to say, i said what i wanted to say, such an article will not be missed, but i won’t write it, it’s a waste of time, maybe they’ll let you in after all, okay, i’ll come to your mine, but there’s one condition, whether you like it or not, i’ll write the truth about what