rachel is... was a tantric master. tantric sex? bones, there's got to be other kinds of...es, tantric sex. okay, carry on. during one of our... sessions, i fell. i got tired, i slipped, i was shifting my position, and my elbow hit her. (laughing): it's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. it's understandable. a successful tantric session lasts seven, eight hours and can cause extreme, sometimes painful, muscle fatigue. or she wanted out, he didn't, then something snapped. no, i knew rachel's policy up front. what kind of policy? rachel had a three-month maximum with a guy, and then she moved on. she wanted fabulous sex, spiritual connection, no strings. so, you were only with her for three months? best three months of my life. then what, you went back to business as usual? that was the arrangement. it's often quite difficult for a man to accord to a woman's rules, especially when rather exquisite sex is involved. mirza: look, i had my time with rachel. we were something, then she moved on and we went back to being what we always were: good friends and business partners. dea