tanya acker, and "huffington post" blogger jack, see if you can pin the senator down better than i do. i want to know if the senate and house decide, yes, they will start being covered by the health care plan they pass for the rest of america. >> under our legislation, folks, that would be required there, would be one set of rules. >> i could not improved on you act. senator, if i have a wife and three children, i've asked democrats this question for a month and nobody gives me a straight answer. if i have three or four children, why should the federal government pay for their health insurance and i should not have to? could you please answer that legislation. >> under our legislation. >> answer my question -- >> let mim answer, jack, please don't interrupt him. these senators get very testy if you interrupt them. >> i do think there ought to be personal responsibility. in that kind of instance, if you're talking about youngsters, yes, the parent should be held accountable. if the parent has no money at all, i won't see the youngster suffer not getting health care at an early ancge. i