miss tanya levagu, am i saying that right. >> yes, ma'am. >> and thank you for being here today, again. >> and good morning, the share and supervisors tang and chiu, i am the director of city audits for the controller's office and today kat is with me and she is an associate audit or in my office and i am here today to present our office's first annual report on recommendations that the departments still have not implemented more than two years after they were issued. this is a new step that we have added to our process for following up on the recommendations that we have issued. and as a reminder, the benefit from the audit work is not only in its findings and recommendations, but in the actual implementation of the corrective actions, by conducting the follow up it helps us to insure that the departments are implementing change, and it further inchances the accountability of auditties and city agencies and management and also allows us to openly assess the value of our work. >> our office gets two kind of follow up work, regular and follow up and we do regular follow up, for all reco