tanya moa moseley reports. >> no women allowed until four years ago. when the u.s. navy allowed female officers board ballistic missile submarines. >> serve he on a crew of almost 150 men when i asked her, whether that concerned her? >> we are all respected officers, i rep rp the respect them and they respect me. >> a nuclear submarine, its space is at a premium. this officer's rec room doubles as an emergency surgical center. >> this is what we call the supply shack, this is where our logistic sphicialts wor logistic spherkt specialties wor spherts wor specialists work out. >> no windows, no privacy,. >> here is an example of the living quarters. the hallways are about two feet wide. stateroom. this is where the officers often sleep and spend personal times. here's one of their beds. there's often three of them to a room. when enlisted women are on board, there will be nine to a room slightly bigger. the navy recently made the announcement they will allow enlisted women not merely officers. but when enlifted women are welcomed aboard they won't have as much authori