course, don’t let him set me up oleg, he understands that if they take you, well done, well done, tanyukhayou know, as they say, god protects the safe, but the convoy guards the unsafe , let him go it’s never too late for a person, but catching someone who has been released later is a problem, arthur, i beg you, you ’re not a coward, what are you afraid of, it started, a rotten approach, they were going to kill me. now they’re blowing in my ears, no, tanya, this won’t work with me, so you can’t tell me, i’ll tell you, we’ll get to the right place, i’ll tell you, i promised, don't touch me, come out, i told you. it hurts me, where are you dragging me, the car needs to be changed, why, it’s calmer. come here, what is this, the sound disappears , guys, something is happening there, kostya, give it more gas, which one of us is a computer genius, you, or maybe over there, oleg, or me, sit down, don’t touch me , come on, quickly, sit down, sit down , i’m telling you, but no, come here, i don’t know, you ’re kidding me, take off your clothes, wait, well done , there are still some bugs, no, that’