ahead full of tons of with brussels set to approve the german airlines partial takeover of berlin yet tanzer grows so do concerns that it could become far too dominant left hand says so opportunity in the demise of its one time rival with bust the faction carrier could take on new groups as well as the aircraft and employees to service them. it's originally proposed to take over that included two subsidiaries that plan sparked e.u. concerns over competition tenser responded last week with a more modest proposal dropping the purchase of austrian flyer nikky all together and instead of the original eighty one aircraft it wanted to buy it would now buy just sixty a green light from brussels raises other questions first among them who will buy the airline nicky which remains insolvent there are already a number of interested buyers including the original owner former austrian racing car driver nicky lauder yet another decision for a turbulent european airline market. is in frankfurt forest and that it seems likely that the e.u. competition commission will essentially be approving a monopoly when