punishing the ummah means informing the islamic ummah about the necessities of sharia and tanzih al-mullahns warning . the religion of islam is one of the innovations of tyranny , since the decline of tyranny and the elimination of tyranny is a definite obligation, whatever causes the elimination of this obligation , if it is constitutional, if it is the institution of the council, if it is the creation of a serious structure against the institution of the unlimited power of the king, such as the institution of the parliament, like the institution of legislation and the institution of the law, this also becomes obligatory, and the other factor is actually a well-known thing and a prohibition against evil. which in jurisprudence actually puts this important principle as one of the religious branches as another basis to prove that the constitution is the need of today's iranian society and it is completely rationally and jurisprudentially justified . when they are sure that haja meiz is ali agha varga. the russian consul will never sign the false testimony against the mujahideen of tabriz .