the rule provides for the consideration of h.r. 3254, the taos pueblo indian water rights settlement act, h.r. 3342, the aamodt litigation settlement act, and h.r. 1065, the white mountain apache tribe water rights quantification act of 2009. each hour has one hour of general debate to be controlled by the chairman on natural resources. it self-executes an amendment to ensure the bill is pay-go compliant. each bill has a separate amendment by representative mcclintock which is debatable for 10 minutes. the rule also allows a motion to recommit with or without instructions for each of the three bills. h.r. 1055, the -- 1065, the white mountain apache tribe water rights quantification act of 2009, h.r. 3254, the taos pueblo indian water rights settlement act, and h.r. 3342, aamodt litigation settlement act, are all bipartisan pieces of legislation and are all sensible pieces of legislation. each of these bills will approve, ratify and confirm carefully negotiated settlement agreements between tribal representatives, nonindian water users and the united states government. these agreemen