and tara houska is an indigenous lawyer, activist, and founder of the giniw collective. she is ojibwe from couchiching first nation. we welcome you b both to democoy now! we're first going to go to ladonna brave bull allard speaking to us from her home right next to ththe cannonball river. in 2016pril 1 announced she was opening her property to the resistancnce, expectingng me some people might come. soon, tens of people, hundreds of people -- a and soon thousans of people leading to more resiststance camps all over the area. ladonna brave bull allard, can you share your response to judge that at leasting for now the dakota access pipeline must be shut down and emptied of allll oil? you ever hahave a dream? a dream that comes true? that is what it is when i got up in the morning and see e that. i was oveverwhelmed. i am still overwhelmed.. understand hohow much i love my home, how much i love my land and my river. it is the greatest thihing in te whwhole world. it is going to be a long journey, but we are here for the long journey. it is not about who is right t r wronon