joining us is editor of above the law .com elle nissel and tara sethmyier. to have both of you here. the person in charge of the irs division that was targeting all of the conservative groups is now going to go over and handle the healthcare part of obamacare with the irs. how concerned should americans be? >> they should be he very concerned. they should have been concerned when obamacare was getting ran through congress in the first place but now that people are finally paying attention and realizing wait a minute i'm paying how much in tabs? it going to cost us how much? the people at the irs who are like storm troopers. the irs is the most feared agency in the world next to maybe the kgb. and these are the people tasked with enforcing making sure that everyone has health insurance? it is a disaster. this woman got $103,000 in bow nesss. taxpayer funded money. was basically promoted and oversaw the targeting of conservative and religious groups and she is getting a promotion. you are telling me that no one know hass is going on here. >> mike: steven mille