radiation is affecting human bodies for sixty five years so we tara taniguchi has had continuous surgeries throughout his life to remove tumors on his back caused by the radiation now he declares that the war did not end in one thousand nine hundred five but rather the effects continue to this day and even though i'm a car we wasn't as severely injured initially as an adult he has endured liver disease and two types of cancer attributed to the mom as well as the psychological damage of the event. the atomic bomb was extremely cruel america should never have dropped the bombs and human beings on the test in new mexico should have been the end of nuclear weapons once the power of these weapons was known. but having experienced the wrath of the world's most devastating weapon these two survivors have one shared message that in. people use the wood deterrent but i do not believe that human beings can co-exist with nuclear. a reason why the a bomb survivors of hiroshima and nagasaki are pushing for peace and complete global nuclear disarmament thomas r. t. nagasaki japan well the anniversary ha