tara zumar, brian vanwinkle, howard fallen, forrest french, chloe donnelly, melody haden. it looks like adam ha. jonathan castro. anthony james, carson day, catrina enrico, hannah nessens, lisa galloway. if your name has been called and you are in the first five, stand there. if not, take a seat. >> come right up, people waiting to speak. >> thank you. >> my name is guy hara. i am a software engineer. i have not prepared any detailed remarks. but i came here for the reason everyone else has come here. that is because music is deeply important to me. the events that are under consideration for regulation are deeply amazing and important events for me. while i completely understand the concern about regrettable and unfortunate incidents with people who overindulge, or whatever it is, there are far more fatalities, injuries, accidents, and harm done to the youth of this country by family abuse, from alcohol, from any number of things. these events and this music and the culture that you have heard people testifying to tonight is really -- it is what this country was founded f