joining me now is the founder of the me too movement and the campaign, tarana burke. of the first ever black survivors week of action that we as ourselves campaign is hosting. tell us about it. >> well, we really decided that this was the right time to launch a campaign during sexual assault awareness month that was specifically focused on black survivors because we've never had anything like that before. and so just like everything else, when something is focused on a general topic, we kind of get lost, and we wanted to pull out from the general topic and really focus on what is happening in the lives of black survivors in this country. >> now, you've been working with this a long time. i've known for you for years, you've been an activist for a long time. one of the things that i think has distinguished some of your work is you've also way before it became trendy or fashionable included those in the trans community. how did you feel when you saw the president stand up and say in his speech that i want you to know i've got your back? you even had to face it in the bl