people, where were they hiding and how were they, yes, without food, without water on the ground taras chornovol, we have taras in touch what you can say about this is what we have now shown good evening maria good evening matvii well, it's hard and painful to look at it all, it's all absolutely terrible, the only thing i'll add is that i also have to work through, well, if not hundreds to dozens of similar shootings of photos of events , because i'm working on my certain informational part, i'm also sending it out, i'm trying to throw similar or sometimes much scarier shots where all the publics are rashin to see something there, i don’t really hope for any results, but we still want to do something like this, well, let’s imagine those people these people have not seen the sun for 40 or 60 days, the last days, especially after the dust announced that he was giving the order to stop attacking and bombing azovstal, simply surround and all of these people were dropped the most powerful , the strongest bombs, these are no longer half a ton, but several tons of specially designed bombs for the destr