, you will be taratin, when you read the sentence yourself, they took it on your brains, don’t push,eum valuables and an attempt to kill a police officer to you. did you notice? so i don’t want an assistant exclusively from the power of kolyulyubiya, you bow down the cut aha you tell me everything you know about manila in arseniy fedorovich be a great happiness with a minimum period. i won’t keep this law and order, you live more. you have heard for a very long time. yes, it remains only to find out who rybakov slapped, you still have the talent to spoil the mood. get him out of sight nicholson hello everyone, i brought the conclusion. the blood on rybakov's glasses matches the blood of oleg taratin broom, that you are beautiful, learn the bastard nicholson, i should also learn how to get cognac from the safe, brumushka. are you a holiday? you realize that you just closed the case. well, why are you silent blagovest and what can i say? her culture what will you do with it? not yet, most likely this issue is now being resolved, but if he is not punished here. we learn, we create, we p