streets and hundreds of riders having to cross busy six-lane sunset boulevard and 19th avenue at taravel respectively. both of which are in the 2017 vision zero high injury network [inaudible] it's foreseeable [bell] >> thank you. nancy [inaudible] uha and david minard. >> good afternoon, i'm nancy warfel. i have sent you three-pages of reasons why the analysis staff used to justify not keeping the stop is inadequate and why the public needs this stop, so i won't repeat these details. also i, i hope you have read the letter from the safeway manager who supports keeping the stop and the reasons why. today i will provide you with a new suggestion that will allow you to keep the stop at the same location with a full boarding island and with mitigation to the merchants. between 17th and 18th avenues there are nine meters on taravel street that will have to be removed to accommodate the boarding island. these places could be replaced by installing nine new meters adjacent to taravel street. i have a map to show you if you care to look at it. then a boarding zone could be created at the southwest corner at