he was in the battle of tarawa, we lost 3,000, 4,000 men. it was horrible.ast forward 10 years later, i meet this extraordinary gentleman. i said, did you see eddie albert at tarawa. he said, absolutely, i remember seeing him. he was dragging marines out of the bay. i said, leon, that was 615 years ago, how do you remember that? >> he said, it's not something you forget. >> leon told me his story and what he was doing, and the documentary they were working on. i saw the film, and i said, yeah, i'll be happy to help out, i really like -- i appreciate people with passion. and have a lot of respect for my elders. and i was glad to help leon out. >> did you know about tarawa? >> not at all. i mean, my dad was in wwii but he was in the army and he was in europe. i knew there was a lot of hellish battles in the pacific, but i didn't not know any specifics, really. >> my former father-in-law, he fought in iwo and all of those, he wouldn't talk about it. why do you think? >> it's pretty difficult to allow yourself to remember all of the terrible things that happened