remember what i do tarbell -- ida tarbell was talking about? you can see how drastically the neighborhoods change, too, from the higher priced original to the lower-priced style on the right. fashion writer elizabeth hawes , will talk about fashion and the fashion industry in her book "fashion is finished." this is her quote that talks about the yearning for new items . differentiated from the past in only the smallest detail. she says, it is the proud boast of some wholesalers that they make up a whole line with only three dress patterns. the newness so loudly called for, is new trimming, new callers come a new cuffs, new buttons, new flowers, and all of this -- not too new please. think about how we dress today. in order for a fashion to be in fashion you have to have a critical mass of adopted. -- of people adopt it. but we are never satisfied. as soon as we have one style, we start thinking, ooh, how can it be a little different so we can continue to be at the forefront of fashion. we mentioned jeans. is there anything else we wear today th