the ideal is that whatever teacher i want to get from the output of farhangian university, tarbiat moalem universitythe name of the country. including 1,400 education teachers and the education of 1020 of the university officials has been closed. what should we do to strengthen ourselves? it is desirable for us to give 40,000 students to the ministry of education. you cannot target students. this year, for the first time in this field, there is a special exam for teacher training. we have a new work that is a national pride, this separation should not be limited in the selection of teachers in order to choose the same dimensions of washing and conventional body competition so that the speedometer is measured by the ability of their teacher. may it be in you it's not really a job because the message is that this job is one of these competitions that we train students in cooperation with another university. for the first time, we approved two degrees from the ministry of science. for the first time in an iranian university , it works for another university, tehran university with allameh. shahid behes