under great time pressure and is compiling a risk assessment report together with tariq ali concerning the possible dangers to the environment should transgenic fish be approved for commercial purposes for just as with food stocks the potential consequences to the environment have so far not been thoroughly explored. one of the things we want to know is if in the future the thai government approved genetically engineer to apia and if they were to escape from the fish farms and we know they will since the regular farm swap you have with that cause most more harm are would be equal to the possible harm that that. foreign swap you know that everybody escaped i am proposing. to explore the possible risk factors and is working with a small fast reproducing fish species from japan many thousands of fish are measured photographed the eggs counted and their meeting behavior observed. think. transgenic male wild female wild mayo wild female. two males one female. which one asserts itself which offspring a stronger. none of it sounds like create three more profit more like hard work at weekends