taros, jim hen ken, jim pinkerton. i'm jon scott, news watch is on right now. >> a lot of people have already said that we can't win the general election. it is the same-- yes, we can. [laughter] >> yes, we can, yes, we can. >> it is those same so-called experts who said we have no chance of winning the primary. it will be hard work, but we can win and if those same people who fought against me work just as hard for me, we will win. >> jon: that's christine o'donnell the tea party-backed candidate who won the delaware primary to be that state's republican candidate for u.s. senate in november. her win brought headlines like these, the tea party's wins fuel a civil war won the g.o.p., that from usa today of course. there were a lot of headlines like that in other papers and the same kind of take in the, you know, usual liberal media on television, on cable and so forth. why? >> i think the mainstream media has been dying to write this story and put this headline and has presented them with the perfect opportunity. i rea