did taru isolate the phone dumps from the throwaway phones?this is all calls, fromincoming and outgoing, from the phone we confiscated from salazar at his arrest. this is cross-referenced data ir. from all known associates. and this is all pertinent data from all personnel involved in the salazar case. thank you. rest of the schedule, councilman singer at 16:00. chiefs' briefing at 16:45, and dcpi at... danny's wife's been taken. i'll clear the schedule, sir. (sighs) (door closes) hi. anything? i spoke to three el mals, all doing major time. they gave me a few addresses, but none of them panned out. although, one of them did confirm our suspicion. salazar's definitely getting information from somebody in the inside. he doesn't know who it isgh. this guy thinks it might be a cop. he doesn't know. oh, i hate to think that. you got anything? well, uh... working on the cell report. your first call to l, thou pinr near the third avenue bridge. okay. the second call, the fdr tower in harlem. trouble is, we lost the ping. knowing linda, it's probably