africa, cape of good hope and will continue moving eastward until it gets to south australia and tasmania, and then it will sort of nudge australia, start itself moving anti-clockwise. in cape horn will start moving northward and eventually collide with singapore. it sounds ridiculous, but then cape horn collide with singapore and about 170 million years time. then all of the water would have been squeezed out of what we know the atlantic today. the planet will cease to be. and, of course, it goes without saying humankind will no longer be anywhere near that i mention this only because i might have mentioned this to before and the previous occasion, but i was once talking, the concept of geological time is sometimes difficult for people to grasp and of talking to a group of ladies at lunch in kansas city once about the likely volcanic eruptions in yellowstone national park, which is going to every titanic event, and i said when the volcanoes finally erupt in yellowstone all of the great cities of northwestern united states like seattle and portland, probably san francisco, certainly vanco