i had put in a public records request, also known as sunshine request for communication tass go back and forth from h.c.d. to the planning department and i never received this in advance so this is first time i've seen it. in fact, the entire language in ishing is pretty much underlined to show that it is all new language and i think that -- i request that this ceqa finding not be adopted today because this is all rather new. thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. i'm rather disappointed and dismayed because the basis of the housing element, a lot of it is based on smart growth, transit policy and it was interesting because last month, february, february 24, as a matter of fact, it was -- there was a hearing regarding 375 and stated the importance of collaborating with the transit agency to have transit and land use, consider it together for the future and in this case, it has not be been done. the housing element, unfortunately, as i said, the basis is on transit first. and the major problem is that muni is not reliable. i think you know that. the transit agency knows that and y